
Press Releases


The restoration of the Santa María Cathedral, chosen as a referential tourism innovation project in Spain

2009/23/09 TVE has selected it to feature in a documentary as an example of culture and tourism innovation

Vitoria-Gasteiz, 23rd September 2009.- The restoration of the Santa María Cathedral has been chosen as a referential tourism innovation project in Spain to feature in one of the chapters that TVE is filming to show the improvements and the development that the country is currently going through.

Under the title “+DEspaña”, TVE is travelling around the country filming a documentary series of 32 chapters, fifty minutes each in length, which will be broadcast before the end of the year on La 2 and on its International Channel, to show viewers the progress that different regions and cities have been experiencing in areas such as services, environmental resources, public health, industry, infrastructures, tourism or culture, among others.

In the case of the Santa María Cathedral, it has been chosen as an example of tourism innovation "due to its Open for Works project and all the parallel activities that it has generated and encouraged as an innovative cultural and tourist attraction (application of new technologies, avant-garde activities, fusion of history, heritage and culture with innovation) for the city of Vitoria”.

The team that travelled to the capital city of Alava toured the entrails of the temple accompanied by Santa María Cathedral Foundation managing director Juan Ignacio Lasagabaster, who showed them every nook and cranny of this 13th century building which is visited by thousands of people every year. Together they observed the archaeological excavations that have offered so much information on the origins of the city, and visited the triforium and parapet walk, from where they could appreciate the original defensive character of the building. Likewise, after observing the restoration of the portico, they were able to see its original appearance thanks to the projection of the light polychromies that recreate its evolution since the 16th century.

This initiative has received the collaboration of the Department of Industry of the Basque Government.