
Press Releases


´The religious act and the big religions´ Cycle

2010/01/22 The Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation will help in the organisation of this cycle

The Migrations Diocesane Delegation helped by the Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation has organised the conference cycle titlled ´The relogious act and the big reliegions´. With this initiative they will try to make closer the religious act seen from the different religions. The cycle will take place every wednesday between the 3rd February and 17th March at 19.00pm in the Juan XXIII hall ( Jesus Guridi street). This will be the program:

*´ Basic and common contents of the religious act´. Director: M. José Arana.
* ´Hinduism and Buddhism´. Director: Juanjo Gómez Escalonilla
* ´Islam´. Director. pablo de la Iglesia Kortajarena.
* ´Judaism´. Director: Jose Antonio Badiola Sáez de Ugarte
* ´ Christianity´. Director: Jose Antonio Badiola Sáez de Ugarte
* ´Christian churches´. Director: Maria Teresa San Martín.

A previous reservation is needed in the Migrations Diocesane Delegation ( Vicente Goikoetxea street n.7) or in