
Press Releases


Concert of Tomas Sanmiguel and Jorge Pardo

2010/06/25 The tickets will be available on Juni 28th and 29th at the Cathedral´s Store for 2€ for the members of the Founders Circle, and from Juni 30th for the rest for 5€.

Tomas Sanmiguel and Jorge Pardo will offer a concert on July 3rd at 8.00pm in the portico of Santa Maria Cathedral. This concert is a part of the Jazzaharrean planning and they will play the songs of their album ´Vida en Catedrales´.It is necessary to buy the tickets at the Cathedral´s Store ( Las Escuelas St. 11) and the members of the Founders Circle can buy the tickets on 28th and 29th June for 2€, and from Juni 30th for the rest for 5€.