
Press Releases


Santa Maria Cathedral reaches the European Parliament

2011/10/11 The director of Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation, Juan Ignacio Lasagabaster, will talk tomorrow in a seminar in Brussels about the new challenges after the Treaty of Lisboa.

         Vitoria- Gasteiz, 11th October 2011.- Santa Maria Cathedral as a touristic driving force will be studied tomorrow in the afternoon by the European Parliament. The director of Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation, Mr. Juan Ignacio Lasagabaster, will take part in a seminar about the challenges of the european tourism after the Treaty of Lisbon.Organised by the members of the Parliament of the ALDE group( Alliance of the democrats and liberals of Europe) Izaskun Bilbao, Ramón Tremosa and the italian Giammarias Uggias, this seminar pursues to offer a new view of the political framework in Europa after the approval of the Treaty of Lisboa with the participation of members of the European Commission, and three innovative tourist proposals will be also presented,  Santa Maria Cathedral, the director of Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao ( Juan Ignacio Vidarte) and  someone else of the Basque Culinary Center.Juan Ignacio Lasagabaster will explain how  the restoration process of the Cathedral has become an example with many institutional, business and private supports, and in around ten years has had more than one million visitors, so the Cathedral is the tourist tractor of the city.Conference about the documentation of the heritage The Cathedral took also part last week in the conference ´Graphic documentation of the heritage´ organised by the Spanish Cultural Heritage Institut, under the authority of the Ministry of Culture, and celebrated in Nájera ( La Rioja), where experts reflected about the documentation of the heritage. During the program, the participants went to Vitoria for visiting  the Cathedral and to hear the conference of the technician of the Foundation, Iñaki Koroso, about the Monumental Information System used in the Cathedral. This system includes all the documentation made before the interventions and after them, using the photogrametric model that has permit us to have in 3D and precision the Cathedral and all the excavations of the last twelve years  monitoring adn studying them.